Health & Safety Policy
Process Instruments (UK) Ltd and its subsidiary companies, Process Instruments (IRL) Ltd and SAS Process Instruments will foster a positive health and safety culture throughout the group because it believes that high standards of health and safety are a moral and commercial imperative.
The Company is committed to:
- maintaining safe and healthy working conditions
- control of health and safety risks arising from our work activities by means of suitable and sufficient Risk Assessments
- providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment, including all Personal Protective Equipment where needed
- ensuring safe handling, storage, use and disposal of substances that may be harmful
- ensuring all employees are given adequate training, instruction, and supervision so they can
competently do their tasks
- working to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health
- consulting with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
- reviewing and revising this policy annually to ensure continual improvement
- identifying and complying with all applicable legislative requirements
- making the policy available to interested parties via our company website
The Company’s stated aims and objectives for the year are:
- to continue to operate to ISO 45001
- to improve internal management systems to ensure continuing clarity on critical Health and safety responsibilities.
Implementation, maintenance, and review
The Managing Director accepts overall responsibility for all Health and Safety within the Company and is responsible for appointing competent persons to assist with all policy implementations and regular reviews of health and safety policies and arrangements.
Signed by: Mike Riding (Managing Director)
Date: 30th September 2024
Review Date: September 2025
Behövs hjälp?

Filip Börjesson
Kontakta Filip
Tel: +46 533 15060